Friday, March 9, 2012

My Attempt

I went to do this assignment and read a blog and it was about life. It seems these days that everyone is dying though. They are dropping like flies. Why do people commit suicide? 

They always ask the question "what would you do if it was your last day?" You always come up with something crazy wonderful. Well why don't these people who commit suicide to something before they die? they know when they are going to die of course because they plan it. Not saying its a good thing they commit suicide, but they should do something crazy before. Maybe then they would realize just how great life is and that everyone has problems. Life is worth living. If your going to die then die for something. 


  1. I shouldn't even post this. Because I'm a responsible adult.

    But I've wondered this myself. Why not do something crazy. Like go skydiving or rock climbing or rob a bank or ask a girl out.

  2. The last sentence is my philosophy.

    Carpe Diem. Sieze the day. Live life like you're going to die tomorrow.

    It's horrible that all these friends are dying. But I'm sure you've got many others to help you remember them.
