Friday, February 10, 2012

I'm thinking about you

I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking about you like a tissue thinks about a nose. Like minds think about thinking. Like chocolate thinks about sad girls. Like phones think about texting. Like vending machines think about nickles. Like plugs think about power. Like Napoleon thinks about power. Like that silly rabbit thinks about Trix. Like tears think about falling. Like racks thing about holding. Like doors think about closing. Like I think about you. Like knifes think about cutting. Like games think about playing. Like hips think about moving. Like bats think about hitting. Like bullies think about lunch money. Like salt thinks about pepper.

1 comment:

  1. Like minds think about thinking. Wow you know what I love this line. It could mean so many things. For me it means you are thinking about someone you hate. Because when you have to think about thinking, that's when it starts to suck! Great writing.
