Friday, February 3, 2012

Love is. . . .

Love is a curving road with 31 pot holes. Love is that blanket you have had since you were a baby. Love is that pen that wont stop bleeding. Love is that ring on your finger that would come off. Love is that moment you know you're going to lose them. Love is that kid that jump starts you. Love is that kid that clings to your leg. Love is tears. Love is that note card you get to use on a test. Love is that drink of water you take to waste down the cough medicine. Love is that name all over your notes. Love is those random changes of hot and cold water in the shower that make you jump out. Love is song you play over and over again. Love is that dream you wish you could fall back to sleep to. Love is the pray you say every night.


  1. The line "Love is that name all over your notes" is soo true. I don't realize it at the time, but after I get an assignment back I see his name all over the paper and just smile.

  2. The line love is a curving road with 31 pot holes, so perfect, especially with all this construction, it's like they thought lets add some pot holes to make the drive more fun ! :) Nice job
