Monday, May 21, 2012

Growing up with my Best Friend

Stink bombs in the nighbors yard,
Stretch with a sharp knife,
Super powers with capes,
This was our childhood.

Speed radar alarms going off,
Hear the cars driving up,
The dog is coming after us,
This is when we run.

Off to KenKraft with our pennies,
Slip n' slides and BB guns,
Catching fish with butterfly nets,
This was our childhood.

Mud pies sprinkled with grass,
Exploding eggs in the microwave,
But dippy eggs in the girlled cheese maker,
This is how we cooked.

Summers full of sunflower seeds,
Nights of endless sleepovers,
Kick the can around the house,
This was our childhood.

Longboards and bikes,
Motorcycles and 4-wheelers,
Go-peds and powerwheels,
This is how we rolled.

Hiking with our picnics,
Broken bones, Scars, and bloody noses,
Exploring with our pocket knives,
This was our childhood.

But then one day he moved away,
And that is when our childhood ended.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The change

My life is pretty much the same everyday. I wake up and go to swim practice then get ready for school. At school I go to my boring classes with the same people everyday. I get home and do my homework and sometimes go hang out with friends. But one day when I was swiming I noticed a new life guard, he was watching me. I didn't think much of it but then when I got home from school my parents were acting weird, asking me where I was and what I did that day. Then the next day that same life gaurd was there and after school when I got home my parents were gone and he was there sitting on the counch. "time to go before the others get here he said. Dont worry about your parents, they will meet us there."

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Schools amost over

"What were you before you came to school, boys and girls?" asked the teacher, hoping that someone would say "babies". She was disappointed when all the children cried out, "happy!"

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


You are anonmyous, not guilty.
One year with a group to hack systems in ohio,
until schduled appearance in Salt Lake.
Post info about police within anonmyous twitter account.
Good Luck, Chief Johnson.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Benny and Joon

This is one of my favorite movies. It where my pen name came from. Her name is Juniper and she goes by Joon alot of the time. I love this movie so much because of the funny lines and it shows that everyone can love. And that the best love is just spending time with your best friend.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Everything is wrong.

Do you ever feel like everything is just going wrong in your life. You have so much homework that you just drowned in it. You get no sleep, and have the worst head ach ever. You also are way stressed out because you have four test on one day! Then add your parents fighting to the situation. Hey don't you have to drive your sister to swim team? And your brother to scouts? Oh and did I mention that someone stole your 20 bucks. Oh no no no noooo! . . . . your phone just died and its the beginning of the day. Was that your ipod you just washed in the washer? It wont turn on. Woke up and the clock says 8, yeah thats right your alarm didn't go off and your late to school. Have fun at attendance school. That is you can find your car keys. Oh and by the way you just got fired from work. And to top it all off you ran out of gas on the free way on your way to go pay your ticket. Yep everything going just fine.

I wish I could remember

I love the poem Forgetfulness by Billy collins. It shows such truth and uses such get wording. I love how it begins with how you start to forget a book because its so true and everyone can compare to it.

Friday, March 9, 2012

My Attempt

I went to do this assignment and read a blog and it was about life. It seems these days that everyone is dying though. They are dropping like flies. Why do people commit suicide? 

They always ask the question "what would you do if it was your last day?" You always come up with something crazy wonderful. Well why don't these people who commit suicide to something before they die? they know when they are going to die of course because they plan it. Not saying its a good thing they commit suicide, but they should do something crazy before. Maybe then they would realize just how great life is and that everyone has problems. Life is worth living. If your going to die then die for something. 

I can't wake up

Its become my life now. I wanted it so bad. I would dream about it minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day, month after month, while I was awake, and asleep. I dreamed about it so much that it slowly became my reality. I didn't know it would be like this. Other people made it look so simple. So fun. So perfect. I like it at first, but I soon realized how horrible, and fake it was. It was like getting a cute, cuddly dog and having it slowly turn into an ugly little creature as you realize how evil it really is. Then you stop and realize one day and wonder why you ever wanted it. My dreams have been overthrown. They have been over run.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Just Do It.

Ugh. I can't raise my hand and say that. What will people think about me? They don't care what I think and it will just sound stupid. Oh just do it. Why not?  These people can't be the one why I'm not raising my hand. Why can't I be in elementary again. They don't care what I say there. I hate fighting myself inside. It takes courage to say what you want. Something I don't have. 

This is silly. I'm just going to go for it. I'm not going to care what people say about me. Call me lame, stupid, a slut. You don't really know me. You can't really judge me unless you know my story. So I'm going to party, sing at the top on my lungs and say what I want! I'll be that rare one in this world of judgement. So go ahead and JUDGE ME and see if i care.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Awkward moments

The awkward moment when, you've already said "what?" 3 times and you still have no idea what the person said, so you just agree.
 The awkward moment when you make eye contact. . . . . through the little crack in the bathroom stall.
The awkward moment when the sentence you're reading doesn't end the way you octopus.

The awkward moment when a cop pulls you over for driving in the carpool lane. Cop " you know you have to have more than one person in the car to drive in the car pool lane." You say "Check the trunk."
The awkward toothbrush in the bathroom that nobody in your family uses. . .

The awkward moment in the morning when your so tired that you say tired when you run into inanimate objects.
 The awkward moment when you're talking to yourself and start to smile like an idiot because you're so hilarious. 
That awkward moment when you walk through the metal detectors at the airport, and your abs of steel set them off. (The awkward moment when a guy reads this and knows thats not him.)

Be Careful Where You Step, (it could end a life)

 You might want to be careful the next time you walk out side. For you could step on an Ant. Life of an Ant is short lived. Its only about 45-60 days long. But in this time they work hard, and grow up in a colony of about 40,000 ants. There are only to classes. You either get to be on the top as the queen. (sorry guys you couldn't ever be on top.) Or like most you are a worker. But don't worry because being Queen isn't all its cracked up to be. You get the job of laying eggs for the entire population!! Workers are very clean and tidy. So if you can't stand messy places, then I would become an Ant. They look for food and look out for there young. Some a dump disposers who get all junk out of the nest and some are builders, and others part of the Army!! So be careful next time you step on ants because they already have short lives and work harder then you.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Cross Fire

Drama is the last thing I want to be involved in. But it seems to have me right in the middle of it. How come if a guy likes you and you don't like him like that then it has a mess. I like him as a friend. He is great to hang out with. But I like someone else. . . and we are kinda together. Oh and what's worse is that this guy that likes me has these annoying sisters that go around telling everyone I'm a slut and text me and ask me if i like their brother. "I like him as a friend" is my reply and they seem to take that wrong. They think I'm playing him! Well whatever I'm going to just kinda . . . hide. Yes hide because I don't wanna face his sisters. They scare me.


I'm afraid of those slimy, scaly, slithering, snakes for sure. I'm afraid of being left behind and forgot about. I'm afraid to stand up to others and at the same time afraid to not stand up for what I know is right. I'm afraid of being alone in crowd of people I know but don't know.

I'm afraid of Judgement, Judgement from the ones I love.

I'm afraid of making the wrong choice and not being able to fix it. I'm afraid of finding that someone. Of never finding that someone. Im afraid of getting stuck. I'm afraid of conforming. Im afraid of tests. I'm afraid of pain. Of that pain that surges in the middle of the night and wakes you up. That pain pills can't help. I'm afraid of not being myself. Of changing to fit in.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pet peeves

It bothers me when someone uses the microwave and takes their food out early and just leaves the time there. 11 seconds.… Press start. Ugh why cant people just push clear. Another thing thats annoying is when people stop and talk in the MIDDLE of the hall. Hello you could go to the side. ooo one that I think is sick is when people have long nails and have dirt all under them. SICK!!! Or what about when someone is wearing a jacket with a hood and their hood is inside out. I just have to fix it. Its awkward when you don't know the person too. Or those guys that sag their pants, but its not that they sag their pants, its the fact that they wear a belt too! A belt is suppose to  keep you pants up, duh. I know I have more, just can think of them now.

Friday, February 10, 2012

I'm thinking about you

I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking about you like a tissue thinks about a nose. Like minds think about thinking. Like chocolate thinks about sad girls. Like phones think about texting. Like vending machines think about nickles. Like plugs think about power. Like Napoleon thinks about power. Like that silly rabbit thinks about Trix. Like tears think about falling. Like racks thing about holding. Like doors think about closing. Like I think about you. Like knifes think about cutting. Like games think about playing. Like hips think about moving. Like bats think about hitting. Like bullies think about lunch money. Like salt thinks about pepper.

Friday, February 3, 2012


New favorite song! Lights by Ellie Goulding! 

I had a way then losing it all on my own
I had a heart then but the queen has been overthrown
And I'm not sleeping now the dark is too hard to beat
And I'm not keeping now the strength I need to push me
You show the lights that stop me turn to stone
You shine It when I'm alone
And so I tell myself that I'll be strong
And dreaming when they're gone

Love is. . . .

Love is a curving road with 31 pot holes. Love is that blanket you have had since you were a baby. Love is that pen that wont stop bleeding. Love is that ring on your finger that would come off. Love is that moment you know you're going to lose them. Love is that kid that jump starts you. Love is that kid that clings to your leg. Love is tears. Love is that note card you get to use on a test. Love is that drink of water you take to waste down the cough medicine. Love is that name all over your notes. Love is those random changes of hot and cold water in the shower that make you jump out. Love is song you play over and over again. Love is that dream you wish you could fall back to sleep to. Love is the pray you say every night.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


 Hi, my name is Juniper. I got this name from one of my favorite movies. I first saw it a few months ago. Well I've never blogged before, so we will see how this works out. I pretty excited! And to have a secret identity! I wonder whats next. . . . ooo maybe super powers! I always thought it would be cool to be able to move things with my mind or fly!! You know how insane talk about the voices inside there head? Well if we all had that? We could withdraw into are head, with a world we created. Maybe the all those insane people that we are scared of are happy there, happier then all of us?